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  • ABB CS513K04 3BSE055760R1 Input characteristic module
ABB CS513K04 3BSE055760R1 Input characteristic module

ABB CS513K04 3BSE055760R1 Input characteristic module

ABB CS513K04 3BSE055760R1 Input characteristic module

Port 0 on the module communicates with 4 sessions (0, 1, 3 and 4) each of which has their own data set(s). Session 1 only has one sector (all data for device contained in a single database). This sector is addressed by the master using the Common address of ASDU value set for the sector in the configuration file. Session 0 contains two sectors each with their own unique Common address of ASDU value to identify the sector. Port 0 must operate in unbalanced mode as more than one device exists on the network. Port 1 may operate in balanced mode as it only contains one device on the network. This device is defined in the Session 2 section of the configuration file. In this example, all data of the device is stored in a single sector.

The module supports two application ports.

 Thirty-two session can be defined on the module with each session being assigned to an application port. Within each session, up to five sectors can be defined. This system permits a very flexible assignment of resources in the module. The definition of the data associated with each sector in the system is defined by the user in the configuration file.The application ports on the MVI46-101M module support RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 interfaces. Please inspect the module to ensure that the jumpers are set correctly to correspond with the type of interface you are using. Note: When using RS-232 with radio modem applications, some radios or modems require hardware handshaking (control and monitoring of modem signal lines). Enable this in the configuration of the module by setting the UseCTS parameter to 1.

The following diagram shows the functionality of the master driver

1 The master driver is configured as specified by the IEC101M.CFG file 2 The master will construct control commands using the data in the database 3 The master will send these commands and class polls out on the serial network 4 Response messages or spontaneous messages generated by controlled devices on the serial network are received by the master driver 5 Monitor data (static and event) received by the master is passed to the module’s database and passed to the processor 6 Additionally, status data for the module is passed to the processor 7 If the SLC controls the module, messages are passed from the ladder logic to the module. The master driver uses these commands to control the module or devices on the network.


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