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ABB GFD563A102 3BHE046836R0102 controller

ABB GFD563A102 3BHE046836R0102 controller

This section contains a listing of the data contained in the MVI46-101M status data object, configuration error word and module error codes.This word is set to zero if no command is currently being executed and waiting on a response. If the word is set to 1, a command is currently executing. 4018 Cmd Count This word contains the count of the number of commands configured for the module. 4019 Cmd Delay This word contains the command delay counter preset. There is a fixed delay between each command to permit the module to perform class polls on controlled stations. 4020 Cmd Queue This word is set to zero if the command executing is from the command list. If the executing command is from the command queue, the word will be set to 1.


 4021 Cmd Queue Count This word contains the number of active commands in the command queue for the module. Up to 100 commands can be buffered in this queue. These commands are transferred from the processor to the module using special command blocks. 4022 to 4023 Online Status This double word value contains a bit for each of the 32 potential sessions in the module. If the bit is set for a session in the double word, the station is online. If the bit is clear, the station is offline. Use this value to determine if commands sent from the processor will have a chance of succeeding.


This companion standard presents sets of parameters and alternatives from which subsets have to be selected to implement particular telecontrol systems. Certain parameter values, such as the number of octets in the COMMON ADDRESS of ASDUs represent mutually exclusive alternatives. This means that only one value of the defined parameters is admitted per system. Other parameters, such as the listed set of different process information in command and in monitor direction allow the specification of the complete set or subsets, as appropriate for given applications. This clause summarizes the parameters of the previous clauses to facilitate a suitable selection for a specific application. If a system is composed of equipment stemming from different manufacturers it is necessary that all partners agree on the selected parameters. The following table defines the contents of the configuration error word. Each bit in the word corresponds to an error condition recognized when the module is configured. There is a separate word for each application port. This data is reported in the status data area previously defined.


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