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  • ABB DSDX 180A 3BSE018297R1 Input Personality Module
ABB DSDX 180A 3BSE018297R1 Input Personality Module

ABB DSDX 180A 3BSE018297R1 Input Personality Module

ABB DSDX 180A 3BSE018297R1 Input Personality Module

Click the Receive button. This action opens the Ymodem File Receive dialog box, showing the progress of your file transfer.When the configuration file has been transferred to your PC, the dialog box will indicate that the transfer is complete. The configuration file is now on your PC at the location you specified. 8 You can now open and edit the file in a text editor such as Notepad. When you have finished editing the file, save it and close Notepad.

Please be aware that the example programs mentioned in the following paragraphs only show the principle of how to communicate between an MVI46- 3964R and a SLC processor. It is up to the programmer to examine the programs in detail and integrate them into his SLC processor application.

Transferring the Configuration File to the Module 

Perform the following steps to transfer a configuration file from your PC to the module.Connect your PC to the Configuration/Debug port of the module using a terminal program such as HyperTerminal. Press [?] to display the main menu Press [S] (Receive Module Configuration). The message "Press Y key to confirm configuration receive!" is displayed at the bottom of the screen.When the file transfer is complete, the module's configuration/debug screen indicates that the module has reloaded program values, and displays information about the module.

The following setups/limitations

 are to be observed in the example programs: Changes according to the requirements of your SLC system are recommended for setups only. Limitations must not be changed. ƒ Setup: The MVI46-3964R resides in slot 1 of the SLC chassis. ƒ Setup: The SLC series controller resides in slot 0 of the SLC chassis. ATTENTION: The user must be trained in programming and operating Rockwell Automation SLC series controllers and SLC environment. Otherwise, incorrect use may lead to personal injury or death, property damages or economic loss.

ƒ Transfer the job data to the MVI46-3964R. 

ƒ Acknowledgement from the MVI46-3964R regarding validity of the job data 

ƒ Depending on the type of send job the transfer of the user data from/to the MVI46-3964R/SLC processor takes place. 

ƒ Acknowledgement from the MVI46-3964R regarding successful/unsuccessful completion of the send job.


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