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  • ABB PM645A Input electronic module
ABB PM645A Input electronic module

ABB PM645A Input electronic module

ABB PM645A Input electronic module

This parameter specifies the number of milliseconds to wait after a DLE-ACK is received from a slave using half-duplex mode before the DLE-ENQ request is made for data.This parameter specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between the initial issuance of a command. This parameter can be used to delay all commands sent to slaves to avoid "flooding" commands on the network. This parameter does not affect retries of a command as they will be issued when failure is recognized.This parameter sets the address in the internal Modbus database where the command error data will be placed. If the value is set to -1, the data will not be transferred to the database.

Response Timeout

This parameter represents the message response timeout period in 1-ms increments. This is the time that a port configured as a master will wait before retransmitting a command if no response is received from the addressed slave. The value is set depending upon the communication network used and the expected response time of the slowest device on the network.This parameter specifies the number of times a command will be retried if it fails.This parameter specifies the number of polls to skip on the slave before trying to re-establish communications. After the slave fails to respond, the master will skip commands to be sent to the slave the number of times entered in this parameter.


The [COMMANDS] section of the configuration file sets the DF1 master port command list. This list polls DF1 slave devices attached to a simulated master port. The module supports numerous commands. This permits the module to interface with a wide variety of DF1 protocol devices. The command list is formatted differently than the other sections of the configuration file. Commands are present in a block between the labels START and END. These labels inform the program where the list resides. The module's program will parse all commands after the START label until it reaches the END label or until the command count entered for the port is reached. The following table describes the format of this section This parameter specifies the starting address in the virtual database where the 256 slave status values will be written. If the parameter is set to -1, the slave data will not be placed in the database. Enter a value in the range of -1 to 3739.


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