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ABB PM810 3BSE008500R1 Thermocouple module

ABB PM810 3BSE008500R1 Thermocouple module

This field specifies the database address in the module's internal database to be associated with the command. If the command is not a read function, the data received in the response message is placed at the specified location. If the command is a write function, data used in the command is sourced from the specified data area. Valid values are 0 to 3999.This parameter specifies the minimum interval to execute continuous commands (Enable code of 1). The parameter is entered in 1/10th of a second. Therefore, if a value of .50 is entered for a command, the command executes no more frequently that every 5 seconds. Valid values are 0 to 65535.

This parameter specifies 

the number of registers or digital points to be associated with the command. Swap Code This parameter defines if the data received from the server is to be ordered differently than that received from the server device. This parameter is helpful when dealing with floating point or other multi-register values, as there is no standard method of storage of these data types in server devices. This parameter can be set to order the register data received in an order useful by other applications.These parameters specify the function to be executed by the command. Refer to DF1 Command Set (page 80) for more information on constructing commands for the module.

Each command list record has the same general format.

 The first part of the record contains the information relating to the communication module and the second part contains information required to interface to the DF1 slave device. The PLC-5 and SLC-500 command set require the use of files. These files are emulated in the module. The module defines these files each as containing 200- word registers that overlay the internal database. The following table shows the relationship of the files to the user data area of the internal database:The way these files are emulated depends of the First File and File Size parameters. The previous example shows using the First File parameter set to 7 and the File Size parameter set to 200. In order to retrieve data from the modules database register 200, the remote master would issue a command using the address N8:0. In order to interface with database base register 405, the remote master would use the address N9:5.


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