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  • ABB 3BHB006715R0277 Output Personality Module
ABB 3BHB006715R0277 Output Personality Module

ABB 3BHB006715R0277 Output Personality Module

ABB 3BHB006715R0277 Output Personality Module

If the DF1 master port is configured to support the DF1 half-duplex protocol, the master port can be used to route messages between slaves. Peer-to-peer communication is accomplished by the master constantly polling all the slaves on the network and relaying the messages received. The slaves must contain ladder logic with MSG commands to generate and accept messages. This routing can be used in conjunction with the normal command processing previously discussed. Commands can be activated in the module under processor control. This feature permits the processor to issue a command in the command list under program control. When a command is activated, it will be placed in the command queue for immediate execution. Normal command polling will begin after the command queue is completely processed.

If the module is used as a DF1 slave device

 it will respond to requests from a remote DF1 master device. All data in the module’s database is available to the remote master device for read and write requests. The slave device emulated can operate in both full- and half-duplex mode. The module provides a Configuration/Debug port for use with an external computer executing a terminal emulation program. The terminal emulation program provided with the module permits uploading and downloading of the configuration information required by the module. Additionally, the Configuration/Debug port provides a view into the virtual Modbus database, communication statistics and the configuration.

Virtual Modbus Database 

Central to the functionality of the module is the virtual Modbus database. This database is used as the interface between remote DF1 devices and the Flex I/O bus. The content and structure of the user data area of the database is completely user defined. The following illustration shows the general format of the module’s database The Flex I/O bus reads data from and write data to the user data area using the backplane interface. The module interfaces data contained in remote DF1 slave devices to the virtual Modbus database using the DF1 application port. User commands are issued out the master port from a command list. These commands gather or control data in the slave devices.


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