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  • ABB 3BHE023784R2530 Output electronic card
ABB 3BHE023784R2530 Output electronic card

ABB 3BHE023784R2530 Output electronic card

ABB 3BHE023784R2530 Output electronic card

This block does not contain any data. When the processor places a value of 9998 in word 0 of the output image, the module will perform a warm-start. This involves clearing the configuration and all program status data. Finally, the program will load in the configuration information from the flash disk and begin running. There is no positive response to this message other than the status data being set to zero and the block polling starting over. The format of this block is shown in the following table.9999 in word 0 of the output image, the module will perform a hardware restart. This will cause the module to reboot and reload the program. There is no positive response to this message other than the status data being set to zero and the block polling starting over.

Slave Driver

 The Slave Driver Mode allows the MVI94-DFCM module to respond to data read and write commands issued by a master on the DF1 network. The following flow chart and associated table describe the flow of data into and out of the module.The DF1 slave port driver receives the configuration information from the Flash data area in the module. This information configures the serial port and define the slave node characteristics. The module simulates N-files to permit remote access of the database. Each file has a fixed length of 200-word registers.A Host device, such as the Rockwell Automation PLC or an HMI application issues a read or write command to the module’s node address. The port driver qualifies the message before accepting it into the module.

Master Driver

 In the Master mode, the MVI94-DFCM module is responsible for issuing read or write commands to slave devices on the DF1 network. These commands are user configured in the module via the Master Command List read from the module’s Flash. Command status is returned to the processor for each individual command in the command list status block. The location of this status block in the module’s internal database is user defined. The following flow chart and associated table describe the flow of data into and out of the module.The Master driver obtains configuration data from the Flash area of the module. The configuration data obtained includes the number of commands and the Master Command List. These values are used by the Master driver to determine the type of commands to be issued to the other nodes on the DF1 network.Presuming successful processing by the node specified in the command, a response message is received into the Master driver for processing.


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