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  • ABB 3BHT300011R1 Input Personality Module
ABB 3BHT300011R1 Input Personality Module

ABB 3BHT300011R1 Input Personality Module

ABB 3BHT300011R1 Input Personality Module

This function writes one or more words of data to a PLC data table. This function should work on the following devices: PLC-5. The command constructed contains an AND mask and an OR mask. Values in the AND mask have the following definitions: 0=Reset and 1=Leave the Same. Values in the OR mask have the following definitions: 0=Leave the Same and 1=Set. The module is responsible for setting the mask values to correctly construct the message from the virtual database values.This parameter defines the database address for the data to be associated with the command. The first database register is used as the AND mask for the command, and the second is used for the OR mask. Values in the AND mask have the following definitions: 0=Reset and 1=Leave the Same. Values in the OR mask have the following definitions: 0=Leave the Same and 1=Set.

This function writes one or more words of data to a PLC data table.

 This function should work on the following devices: PLC-5. The command constructed contains an AND mask and an OR mask. Values in the AND mask have the following definitions: 0=Reset and 1=Leave the Same. Values in the OR mask have the following definitions: 0=Leave the Same and 1=Set. The module is responsible for setting the mask values to correctly construct the message from the virtual database values.This function writes one or more words of data from a PLC data table controlling individual bits in the table. The bit mask used for the command is 0xFFFF. This provides direct manipulation of the data in the device with the internal data of the module. The function requires that all data associated with the command use the same mask.

PLC-5 Processor Specifics 

This section contains information specific to the PLC-5 processor with relation to the DF1 command set. The commands specific to the PLC-5 processor contain a sub-element code field. This field selects a sub-element field in a complex data table. For example, to obtain the current accumulated value for a counter or timer, the sub-element field should be set to 2.This section contains information specific to the SLC processor based family when used with the DF1 command set. The SLC processor commands support a file type field entered as a single character to denote the data table to interface with in the command.


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