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  • ABB CI773F data acquisition module
ABB CI773F data acquisition module

ABB CI773F data acquisition module

ABB CI773F data acquisition module

Dropdown list to filter the address list. Options are:  Devices Out Ethernet Port  Directly Linked Radios/Clients  Devices beyond Direct RF Links When the table is filtered to show only Directly linked radios/clients, an additional RSSI column is listed, showing the Received Signal Strength from each radio or client linked to the radio. Number of Rows to Display Use this field to choose hwo many MAC addresses to display on this page. Use the Next and Prev buttons to scroll through the available MAC addresses. Index Position in the list. Each page shows up to 10 devices. Use the Next and Previous buttons to move up and down through the table. MAC Address The MAC address for the device.

Port Status

 When you click on the Port Status button, you can see information about all of the active ports on the radio. Above the table, you can see information about the current Spanning Tree including the MAC address of the “root” device, and the timing parameters that are set for the current Spanning Tree. Each radio can have up to 34 active ports – one Ethernet cable, one parent RF link, and up to 32 child RF links. The primary reason for creating a Spanning Tree to that is allows you to create fully redundant paths. If any single radio in a redundant path loses its connection, another path still exists, and the connection will be updated and communication restored.If the table has more MAC addresses than it can display in the window, use the Next and Prev buttons to move up and down through the table.

Position in the list. Each page shows up to 10 ports. 

Use the Next and Previous buttons to move up and down through the table. Connection This field indicates what the port represents: Ethernet, a parent radio, or a child radio. State The current Spanning Tree state of the port. Possible states are Blocking, Learning, Listening, and Forwarding. Forwarding packets can be transferred. Designation The Spanning Tree designation for the branch off the port. Possible designations are Root (ports going to the root), Designated (ports going to a branch), or Normal. Path Cost The cumulative cost of all wired and wireless links from the port to the Spanning Tree root. Designated Bridge The Next bridge toward the Spanning Tree root for this port. Top Click the Top button to see the top of the table. Next / Prev If the table has more ports than it can display in the window, use the Next and Prev buttons to move up and down through the table.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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