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ABB PP883 3BSE092979R1 Operation panel

ABB PP883 3BSE092979R1 Operation panel

Enable Spanning Tree Spanning Tree is enabled when this box is checked. Without spanning tree, redundant connections might exist if multiple radio links are created in parallel with each other. Redundant connections are blocked only if spanning tree is enabled. Additionally, spanning tree is used to flush the Ethernet switch table when the network topology changes as described in the section on Automatic Parent Selection. All RLX2 models support Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP), and will default to this mode when enabled. The recommended setting for spanning tree is “Enabled”.

Ethernet Edge Port 

Because RSTP is an active protocol, it depends on communication between RSTP devices. If no RSTP device is connected to the radio’s Ethernet port, the handshake cannot take place. In this case RSTP reverts to STP. This means that the Ethernet port will be forced to adhere to the timer based transition protocol of STP. Therefore on network transitions and power up, communications will not be allowed over the Ethernet port for 30 to 45 seconds. This setting is an indication that no redundant connections exist out this port and communication can immediately be allowed. If for some reason a BPDU is received on this port, the RSTP protocol will negotiate properly and handle any possible redundant paths. The recommended setting for Ethernet Edge Port is "Enabled".

Bridge Times 

Configures the timing intervals to use. Priority Determines who should be the root of the RSTP. The RSTP device with the lowest priority becomes the root. The accepted standard value for this is 32768. If wired switches exist in the network that support RSTP, they should always be allowed to be the root. Set this value to 32769 to prevent the radio from being the root over a wired switch. Use this setting when a radio is configured to be a Master. Set this value to 32770 when the radio is configured to be a Repeater. In this way, if only RLX2 radios exist in the network, the Master radio will become the root.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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