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  • ABB PP887H 3BSE092986R1 Monitor operation
ABB PP887H 3BSE092986R1 Monitor operation

ABB PP887H 3BSE092986R1 Monitor operation

ABB PP887H 3BSE092986R1 Monitor operation

Enables the unit to write a copy of its Configuration to the SD Card whenever new settings are saved from any pages of the unit's web interface. Previous Configuration files are renamed with a unique file name which allows auditing of changes made to the unit's settings.To adopt the Configuration file on an SD Card when this control is already enabled, simply insert the SD Card and power cycle the unit. If this control is not enabled, first enable and save the setting without the SD Card inserted and then insert the SD Card and power cycle the unit. NOTE: Do not enable Auto Write if you do not want the active Configuration file on the SD Card to be replaced when the unit adopts and saves the SD Card's current Configuration file.

SD Auto Clone Enable 

Enables the unit's Clone function. On power up if an SD Card is present that has a Configuration file different from the unit's current Configuration the unit will adopt the settings from the SD Card. If the Configuration matches or there is no Configuration file on the SD Card then no action is taken. On inserting an SD Card into a running unit, if the Configuration file found on the SD Card will result in the unit's settings being changed on Powerup or Reset, a warning is indicated by flashing the Signal Strength, MOD and NET LEDs. In order to save this control as enabled, either an SD Card must not be present, or the SD Auto Write Enable control must also be checked when saving. If these conditions are not present the control will be disabled before saving, to prevent the unit from reverting back to a Configuration file on the SD Card after reset.

Write SD Card

 Immediately writes a copy of the unit's Configuration file to the SD Card, independent of the Auto Write check box setting. Note that the configuration files are in a binary format so sensitive data (e.g. passwords, encryption keys) cannot be easily read from the files. Save Saves the changes and updates the radio configuration. Cancel Discards the changes without updating the radio configuration.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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