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ABB PPD103 Channel isolation card

ABB PPD103 Channel isolation card

Security Settings The Security Controls shown in the center panel will vary depending on the values of the following controls”  Security Mode  802.11 Mode  Master or Repeater/Client As each of the Mode controls are changed on the web page, the set of controls in the Security panel will automatically change to selections applicable to the selected mode. Note: The controls will change to allow you to fully configure the Security Settings before Applying the Changes.Note: Newer firmware versions of the RLX2 Radios may support additional functionality. Therefore, you may see more or fewer options on this page, depending on the version of firmware included the radio you purchased.

Security Mode 

This unit supports both “Personal” and “Enterprise” security modes as well as Legacy WEB encryption modes for interoperability with legacy devices. The following security mode settings are supported:  None – Not recommended.  Personal – Security mode using pre-shared key for networks that don’t require an authentication server.  Enterprise – Security mode requiring the use of an external Radius authentication server.  WEP – Legacy security setting using either 64 or 128-bit key and WEP encryption. Personal and Enterprise security can be used with:  WPA – Original protocol introduced to replace WEP.  WPA2 – Latest 802.11 security protocol conforming to the 802.11i standard.  WPA/WPA2 – Allows client devices to connect using WPA if they do not support WPA2

Encryption type

WPA-AES is the preferred encryption method. It contains the latest updates to the 802.11 standards for best security. However, some legacy devices do not yet support these updates. Therefore, a few combinations of legacy methods can be selected. Available encryption types are:  None (not recommended)  WPA-AES - Latest security setting using WPA (pre-shared key) authentication and AES encryption.  WPA-TKIP - Security setting using WPA (pre-shared key) authentication and TKIP encryption.  WEP128 - Legacy security setting using a 128-bit key and WEP encryption.  WEP64 - Legacy security setting using a 64-bit key and WEP encryption. WPA phrase (page 108) WPA pass phrase of between eight and 63 normal keyboard characters. WEP key (page 109) Five normal text characters in the WEP key field MAC Filter (page 114) Restricts connections by MAC address.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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