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  • ABB 07KT98G Redundant output module
ABB 07KT98G Redundant output module

ABB 07KT98G Redundant output module

ABB 07KT98G Redundant output module

”The Millmate Strip Scanner system (MSS) is always working and the MSSsensors have been running perfectly for many years of operation. There is no maintenance and maintenance costs with MSS. MSS is very reliable as the sensor is unaffected by mill environment and the measurements are very stable. Coiler centering is very good with MSS. Also excellent recoiling without imperfections such as telescoping.”

For measuring tension with shaftmounted load cells, PRT system is a highquality system that provides exceptional and long-lasting performance. PRT load cells and tension electronics are designed for medium-tension and light-tension process lines used in light gauge and loop slitters. Easy to install and virtually maintenancefree, PRT tension measurement makes a significant contribution to more productive operations and improvements in product quality

Selecting and sizing load cells 

Calculating the forces exerted on load cells in a specific application allows you to determine the ideal load cell size specification. Force calculations and load cell sizing are typically conducted in collaboration with ABB; this page provides an overview of the considerations that play a role in this stage of the specification process. The orientation of PRT load cells on the end of the roll shaft can be adjusted to perform measurements in the most advantageous direction for each application.

In sizing PRT load cells

 both the web tension and the weight of the roll and bearings (tare weight) should be considered. If the load cell is oriented vertically or diagonally with respect to the force of gravity, the tare force will contribute to the total force level sensed by the PRT load cell system. If the load cell is oriented horizontally, the tare force will be perpendicular to the measurement axis, and so will not be sensed.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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