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  • ABB GDB021BE HIEE410455P104 Ladder control card
ABB GDB021BE HIEE410455P104 Ladder control card

ABB GDB021BE HIEE410455P104 Ladder control card

ABB GDB021BE HIEE410455P104 Ladder control card

The Ping Options dialog box opens from the Show Options button on the Ping Results (page 132) dialog box. Use this dialog box to choose ping parameters, logging options, and response to other stations.Wireless Clients This dialog box opens when the Wireless Clients option is selected from the AP Dialogs menu. Use this dialog box to see information about wireless clients attached to the radio.This dialog box opens when the Ethernet Nodes option is selected from the AP Dialogs menu. Use this dialog box to see information about Ethernet devices attached to the radios. The following illustration shows a list of Ethernet devices (by IP address and MAC ID) attached to the Ethernet port of Tourmaline_14. In addition to the IP and MAC ID it gives an age for each entry, which is the amount of time since a packet has been heard from that device

Scan List 

This dialog box opens when Scan List is selected in the AP Dialogs menu. The scan list is a list of all the radios that this particular radio "hears" on this channel (via beacons) even if it is not linked to it (different SSID or encryption). This list shows the same information as the Available Parents list in the Radio Configuration / Diagnostic Utility. List entries marked with a "*" indicate the entry is an alternate path, which can also be seen if the ‘parents' button is selected in the menu bar (blue lines will link the radio to its alternate parents).

802.11 Access Point Detector 

The RLX2 radio can be used as an installation tool to analyze the 802.11 environment and provide the user with information on choosing antenna location and channel selection. By using the table in the radio, mounting an RLX2 radio with its actual antenna and use it to report information on every active 802.11 radio in the area can be done. It will report:  Each 802.11 AP heard including SSID  Actual RSSI from each given in dBm  Channel of each radio Use this information to help choose a channel that is least utilized, or to select appropriate antenna types and alignments to minimize interference.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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