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ABB UFC765AE102 3BHE003604R0102 Industrial card

ABB UFC765AE102 3BHE003604R0102 Industrial card

In the following scenario, the network has three VLANs (capacity for 8). Each VLAN has access to a specific Radio port. The Radio supporting the Managed Switch passes on the 802.1Q frames. The wireless network also supports Radio to Radio VLANs using one or more Trunk Links. PLC, Drive & HMI communicate on one VLAN on the same subnet Mobile Worker/Laptop communicate with a fixed server on VLAN 2 (separate subnet).

In addition to acting as a switch, every master or repeater radio in an RLX2 wireless network can simultaneously act as an 802.11 a, b or g access point. This allows 802.11 WiFi clients to connect and roam between radios for monitoring of the wireless network or general network access. The RLX2 has a special client mode (page 54) that allows connection of any Ethernet device to any existing 802.11 a, b or g access point, regardless of the brand (An example of an 802.11 client is a laptop with a WLAN card).

Product Overview 

The RLX2 radio is an industrial high-speed Ethernet radio. Use it in place of Ethernet cables to save money, extend range, and make connections that may not otherwise be feasible. The radio operates as a wireless Ethernet switch. Any data that can be sent over a wired network can also be sent over the radio. The RLX2 radio series is certified for unlicensed operation in the United States, Canada and Europe at 2.4 and 5 GHz. With approved high-gain antennas, the radios can achieve distances of over 5 miles line-of-sight between them. Multiple repeaters can be used to extend this range to far greater distances.

A highly reliable wireless 

network can be developed by creating redundant (page 95) wireless paths. Multiple master (page 78) radios can be installed without any special programming or control. Repeater (page 78) radios can connect to any master at any time; if one master goes down, the repeater connects to another. Likewise, if a repeater goes down, any repeater that was connected to it can reconnect to a different repeater, keeping the network intact. Create large, self-healing tree-like networks can be done in this fashion. Fully redundant paths are possible because the Spanning Tree (page 95) protocol in the radios disables and enables paths as necessary to avoid Ethernet loops, which would otherwise halt communications.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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