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  • EMERSON PR6423/008-110+CON021 front-end
EMERSON PR6423/008-110+CON021 front-end

EMERSON PR6423/008-110+CON021 front-end

EMERSON PR6423/008-110+CON021 front-end

Frequent on/off switching of the device, especially at low temperatures, will reduce the lifespan of the backlight.  Avoid frequent on/off switching of the device.  Reduce the brightness of the backlight instead (→ Document «MN05010007Z-EN System Description Windows CE»).

During a write operation, the CF card may lose data or may be destroyed if it is removed or if there is a power failure.  Always secure CF cards with the CF slot cover.  Avoid write operations to CF cards. Reasons: - The number of write cycles possible on CF cards is limited. - A power failure during write operations will most likely lead to loss of data.  Before removing the CF card in CF slot 1, ensure that no software write operations to the CF card are in progress («CF ACT» LED must not be lit).  Only remove the CF card from CF slot 0 when the device is in a de-energized state.  Before switching off, ensure that no software write operations to the CF card are in progress («CF ACT» LED must not be lit).


Devices with resistive touch are maintenance-free. However, the following work may be necessary:  Cleaning of the resistive touch if contaminated.  Recalibration of the resistive touch if it does not respond correctly to touch operation. The infra-red frame on devices with infra-red touch must be cleaned regularly (see Chapter 7.2.3 Cleaning the infra-red touch,  49). Otherwise these devices are maintenance-free.The resistive touch is already calibrated when delivered. However, it must be recalibrated if it does not respond correctly to touch operation. Touch calibration, see Document «MN05010007Z-EN System Description Windows CE».

Cleaning the infra-red touch

 The infra-red frame must be cleaned regularly. The infra-red channels may be interrupted if the infra-red frame is severely contaminated. In extreme cases, this may mean that the affected zones of the touch sensor cannot be touch activated.Devices with infra-red touch do not have to be recalibrated.The device must only be opened by the manufacturer or by an authorized repair center. Contact your local supplier or Eaton technical support for repairs. Only the original packaging should be used for transporting the device.


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