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RELIANCE 801429-5SE Industrial card

RELIANCE 801429-5SE Industrial card

The MVME172LX provides timeout functions in the VMEchip2 and the MC2chip for the local bus. When the timer is enabled and a local bus access times out, a Transfer Error Acknowledge (TEA) signal is sent to the local bus master. The timeout value is selectable by software for 8 µsec, 64 µsec, 256 µsec, or infinite. The local bus timer does not operate during VMEbus bound cycles. VMEbus bound cycles are timed by the VMEbus access timer and the VMEbus global timer. Refer to the VMEchip2 and the MC2chip in the MVME172 VME Embedded Controller Programmer’s Reference Guide for detailed programming information. The MC2chip also provides local bus timeout logic for MVME172LXs without the optional VMEbus interface (i.e., without the VMEchip2).

Software-Programmable Hardware Interrupts 

Eight software-programmable hardware interrupts are provided by the VMEchip2. These interrupts allow software to create a hardware interrupt. Refer to the VMEchip2 in the MVME172 VME Embedded Controller Programmer’s Reference Guide for detailed programming information.The access timer logic is duplicated in the VMEchip2 and MC2chip ASICs. Because the local bus timer in the VMEchip2 can detect an offboard access and the MC2chip local bus timer cannot, the timer in the VMEchip2 is used in all cases except for the version of the MVME172LX which does not include the VMEbus interface ("No VMEbus Interface option").


The MVME172LX has two 96-position DIN connectors: P1 and P2. P1 rows A, B, C, and P2 row B provide the VMEbus interconnection. P2 rows A and C are not used. The MVME172LX has a 20-pin connector J2 mounted behind the front panel. When the MVME172LX board is enclosed in a chassis and the front panel is not visible, this connector allows the reset, abort and LED functions to be extended to the control panel of the system, where they are visible.


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