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  • KEBA E-8-THERMO DC power module
KEBA E-8-THERMO DC power module

KEBA E-8-THERMO DC power module

KEBA E-8-THERMO DC power module

KEBA E-8-THERMO is an electric vehicle charger with temperature control function. Its main functions and advantages are as follows:

Temperature control: KEBA E-8-THERMO can monitor and control the temperature during the charging process. It is equipped with a temperature sensor that can monitor the charging interface and battery temperature in real time, and automatically adjust the charging power as needed to ensure safe and efficient charging process.

Safety: Through temperature control, KEBA E-8-THERMO can prevent the battery from overheating, thereby reducing the risk of fire or other safety issues during charging. It can automatically reduce charging power or stop charging when necessary to protect the battery and the entire charging system.


Efficiency: Temperature control during the charging process can optimize charging efficiency. KEBA E-8-THERMO can dynamically adjust the charging power based on temperature and battery characteristics to achieve faster charging speed and maximize the utilization of available power.

Compatibility: The KEBA E-8-THERMO charger is compatible with various types of electric vehicles and charging standards. It supports different types of charging plugs and communication protocols to adapt to different brands and models of electric vehicles.

Programmability: The charger has programmable charging parameters and functions. Users can set and adjust according to their own needs and the requirements of electric vehicles to achieve optimal charging performance and user experience.

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