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HIMA F3316 hydraulic servo system

HIMA F3316 hydraulic servo system

The following sections contain a functional description of the major blocks on the MVME197LE single board computer. Front Panel Switches and Indicators There are two push-button switches and six LEDs on the front panel of the MVME197LE module. The switches are RESET and ABORT. The RESET switch (S3) will reset all onboard devices and drive the SYSRESET* signal if the board is the system controller. The RESET switch (S3) will reset all onboard devices except the DCAM and ECDM if the board is not the system controller. The VMEchip2 generates the SYSREST* signal. The BusSwitch combines the local reset and the reset switch to generate a local board reset. Refer to the Reset Driver section in the VMEchip2 chapter of the MVME197LE, MVME197DP, and MVME197SP Single Board Computers Programmer’s Reference Guide for more information.

When enabled by software

 the ABORT switch (S2) generates an interrupt at a user-programmable level. It is normally used to abort program execution and return to the debugger. Refer to the VMEchip2 chapter of the MVME197LE, MVME197DP, and MVME197SP Single Board Computers Programmer’s Reference Guide for more information. The six LEDs on the MVME197LE front panel are: FAIL, SCON, RUN, LAN, VME, and SCSI. 1. The yellow FAIL LED (DS1) is lit when the BRDFAIL signal line is active. 2. The green SCON LED (DS2) is lit when the VMEchip2 is the VMEbus system controller. 3. The green RUN LED (DS3) is lit when the MC88110 bus MC* pin is low. 4. The green LAN LED (DS4) lights when the LAN chip is the local peripheral bus master. 5. The green VME LED (DS5) lights when the board is using the VMEbus or when the board is accessed by the VMEbus. 6. The green SCSI LED (DS6) lights when the SCSI chip is the local peripheral bus master.

Data Bus Structure 

The data bus structure is arranged to accommodate the various 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit devices that reside on the module. Refer to the MVME197LE, MVME197DP, and MVME197SP Single Board Computers Programmer’s Reference Guide and to the user’s guide for each device to determine its port size, data bus connection, and any restrictions that apply when accessing the device. MC88110 MPU The MVME197LE is based on the MC88000 family and uses one MC88110 microprocessor unit. Refer to the MC88110 Second Generation RISC Microprocessor User’s Manual for more information.


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