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GE DS200LDCCH1AGA communication card

DS200LDCCH1AGA communication card

The DS200LDCCH1AGA is a communication card designed by General Electric to operate as a drive control and local area network (LAN) communications board . The card is housed in the Mark V series of replacement drive boards that are compatible with GE brand DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 drives and exciters . The board provides an array of drive and I/O control functions for the drive when installed in a drive . The DS200LDCCH1AGA communication card houses four microprocessors onboard. These microprocessors include a LAN control processor (LCP), a drive control processor (DCP), a motor control processor (MCP), and a co-motor processor (CMP) .

The LAN control processor (LCP) is available to accept five different bus types fed to the drive . The drive control processor (DCP) is also available to process analog and digital I/O conversions . The DCP is also capable of controlling and converting peripheral I/O devices such as encoders and timers . The motor control processor (MCP) is provided to process digital I/O sent to the drive . If calculations require extra processing power the DCP cannot provide, the co-motor processor (CMP) will provide the additional power needed to complete these functions .

The DS200LDCCH1AGA communication card is designed to handle I/O from different bus types . These systems include DLAN+, DLAN, Genius Bus, CPL, and C-bus. For Genius Bus, CPL, and C-bus, the card processes I/O through an interface board . The card is equipped to handle I/O from five different bus types that are fed to the drive .

The DS200LDCCH1AGA card is primarily used in the marine industry, where it is used to control and monitor the drive systems on ships . The card is capable of controlling and converting peripheral I/O devices such as encoders and timers . The MCP software contains specific functions such as current regulator and DC phase control, AC motion control, and AC universal motor/technology-specific functions . The card can be repaired by highly skilled technicians, and all repairs come with a 3-year AX Control Warranty .

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