Home > Product > DCS control system > ABB 3BHB003152P201 3BHB003152P104 Analog input module

  • ABB 3BHB003152P201 3BHB003152P104 Analog input module
ABB 3BHB003152P201 3BHB003152P104 Analog input module

ABB 3BHB003152P201 3BHB003152P104 Analog input module

ABB 3BHB003152P201 3BHB003152P104 Analog input module

Assurance can be either reasonable or limited. Reasonable assurance is high but not absolute. The audit conclusion is expressed positively, conveying that, in the auditor’s opinion, the subject matter is or is not compliant in all material respects, or, where relevant, that the subject matter information provides a true and fair view, in accordance with the applicable criteria.

When providing limited assurance, the audit conclusion states that, based on the procedures performed, nothing has come to the auditor’s attention to cause the auditor to believe that the subject matter is not in compliance with the applicable criteria. The procedures performed in a limited assurance audit are limited compared with what is necessary to obtain reasonable assurance, butthe level of assurance is expected, in the auditor’s professional judgement, to be meaningful to the intended users. A limited assurance report conveys the limited nature of the assurance provided.


The principles detailed below are fundamental to the conduct of an audit. Auditing is a cumulative and iterative process. However, for the purposes of presentation the fundamental principles are grouped by principles related to the SAI’s organisational requirements, general principles that the auditor should consider prior to commencement and at more than one point during the audit and principles related to specific steps in the audit process.

SAIs should establish and maintain

 appropriate procedures for ethics and quality control Each SAI should establish and maintain procedures for ethics and quality control on an organisational levelthatwill provide it with reasonable assurance that the SAI and its personnel are complying with professional standards and the applicable ethical, legal and regulatory requirements. ISSAI 130 - Code of Ethics and ISSAI 140 - Quality Control for provides principles, requirements and application material in this regard. The existence of these procedures at SAI level is a prerequisite for applying or developing national standards based on the Fundamental Auditing Principles.


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NI --- Information acquisition card, PXI module, card, chassis multi-channel control card

WESTINGHOUSE --- RTD thermal resistance input module, AI/AO/DI/DO module, power module, control module, base module

Woodward - Regulator, module, controller, governor

YOKOGAWA - Servo module, control cabinet node unit

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