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  • ABB HIEE200130R2 Pulse output module
ABB HIEE200130R2 Pulse output module

ABB HIEE200130R2 Pulse output module

ABB HIEE200130R2 Pulse output module

Automatically, three numbers will be added at the end of the filename, starting with "000". Every time a log file is created with the same filename, this number will be increased, eg 001, 002 etc.

• Parameters: Select which data must be logged (predefined sets of parameters "Flow", "Energy" or "Analysis"). Choose "Custom" to select your own set of parameters by setting each individual available parameter on or off. 

• Sample interval: Set the interval at which the data is logged. 

• Event loggings: Select if "status" or "limits" events must be logged. 

• View log in screens: select if the logged data must be shown and how many screens must be used for it.

"Sample interval" 

The standard sample interval is 60 s; this means that one data point is created every minute. The maximum number of data points in one file is 150000. If this number is exceeded during logging, the oldest data points are overwritten. The total memory size for data logging is sufficient for 50 files, each with 150000 data points. Calculation examples: Velocity of sound, supply temperature and flow speed must be logged one time per minute. This means that 150000 data points / 3 = 50000 data points are available per subject. Required is one data point per minute, resulting in a maximum logging time of 50000 minutes = 833 hours. Another example: Volume flow and velocity of sound must be logged every five seconds. This means that 150000 data points / 2 = 75000 data points are available per subject. Required is one data point per five seconds, so twelve data points per minute.

"Event logging" 

to log parameters exceeding pre-set limits and errors. To make use of event logging, data logging must be on. The event logging can be filled in fully independent from the data logging. The event logging will be logged on event regardless of the interval set.The event logging can be set to "Status", the occurrence of a pre-defined event will be logged with time and date. The pre-defined events are "Error in device", "Application error", "Out of specification". for more information,If the event logger is set to "Limit" the event of a parameter exceeding a pre-set limit can be logged. "Measurement" Choose the parameter for which the events should be logged.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing

Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

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