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  • ABB YPK114B 3ASD399002C4 DC output card
ABB YPK114B 3ASD399002C4 DC output card

ABB YPK114B 3ASD399002C4 DC output card

ABB YPK114B 3ASD399002C4 DC output card

A simple console application that sends commands to the controller To initiate communication, declare a variable of type HANDLEDMC (a long integer) and pass the address of that variable in the DMCOpen() function. If the DMCOpen() function is successful, the variable will contain the handle to the Galil controller, which is required for all subsequent function calls. The following simple example program written as a Visual C console application tells the controller to move the X axis 1000 encoder counts. Remember to add DMC32.LIB to your project prior to compiling.

Declare Functions 

To use the Galil communications API functions, add the module file included in the C:\ProgramFiles\Galil\DMCWIN\VB directory named DMCCOM40.BAS. This module declares the routines making them available for the VB project. To add this file, select ‘Add Module’ from the ‘Project’ menu in VB5/6. Sending Commands in VB Most commands are sent to the controller with the DMCCommand() function. This function allows any Galil command to be sent from VB to the controller. The DMCCommand() function will return the response from the controller as a string. Before sending any commands the DMCCOpen() function must be called. This function establishes communication with the controller and is called only once. This example code illustrates the use of DMCOpen() and DMCCommand(). A connection is made to controller #1 in the Galil registry upon launching the application. Then, the controller is sent the command ‘TPX’ whenever a command button is pressed. The response is then placed in a text box. When the application is closed, the controller is disconnected.

ASCII Command mode 

In the ASCII mode, instructions are represented by two characters followed by the appropriate parameters. Each instruction must be terminated by a carriage return or semicolon. The DMC-18x2 decodes each ASCII character (one byte) one at a time. It takes approximately .350 msec for the controller to decode each command and execute it. After the instruction is decoded, the DMC-18x2 returns a colon (:) if the instruction was valid or a question mark (?) if the instruction was not valid. For instructions that return data, such as Tell Position (TP), the DMC-18x2 will return the data followed by a carriage return, line feed, and colon (:). An echo function is also provided to enable associating the DMC-18x2 response with the command sent. The echo is enabled by sending the command EO 1 to the controller.


Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

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