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  • Alcatel-Lucent OS9-GNI-C24E Logic sequence module
Alcatel-Lucent OS9-GNI-C24E Logic sequence module

Alcatel-Lucent OS9-GNI-C24E Logic sequence module

Alcatel-Lucent OS9-GNI-C24E Logic sequence module

For storing and collecting numerical data, the DMC-18x2 provides array space for 8000 elements. The arrays are one dimensional and up to 30 different arrays may be defined. Each array element has a numeric range of 4 bytes of integer (231)followed by two bytes of fraction (+/-2,147,483,647.9999). Arrays can be used to capture real-time data, such as position, torque and analog input values. In the contouring mode, arrays are convenient for holding the points of a position trajectory in a record and playback application

Defining Arrays

 An array is defined with the command DM. The user must specify a name and the number of entries to be held in the array. An array name can contain up to eight characters, starting with an uppercase alphabetic character. The number of entries in the defined array is enclosed in [ ]. Example: DM POSX[7] Defines an array names POSX with seven entries DM SPEED[100] Defines an array named speed with 100 entries DM POSX[0] Frees array space

Assignment of Array Entries 

Like variables, each array element can be assigned a value. Assigned values can be numbers or returned values from instructions, functions and keywords. Array elements are addressed starting at count 0. For example the first element in the POSX array (defined with the DM command, DM POSX[7]) would be specified as POSX[0]. Values are assigned to array entries using the equal sign. Assignments are made one element at a time by specifying the element number with the associated array name. NOTE: Arrays must be defined using the command, DM, before assigning entry values.


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