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MOOG D138-002-001 DC output module

MOOG D138-002-001 DC output module

If the motor is a DC brushless motor, it is driven by an amplifier that performs the commutation. The combined transfer function of motor amplifier combination is the same as that of a similar brush motor, as described by the previous equations.The motor driver system may include a velocity loop where the motor velocity is sensed by a tachometer and is fed back to the amplifier. Such a system is illustrated in Fig. 10.5.The encoder generates N pulses per revolution. It outputs two signals, Channel A and B, which are in quadrature. Due to the quadrature relationship between the encoder channels, the position resolution is increased to 4N quadrature counts/rev.

System Analysis

 To analyze the system, we start with a block diagram model of the system elements. The analysis procedure is illustrated in terms of the following example. Consider a position control system with the DMC-18x2 controller and the following parameters: Kt = 0.1 Nm/A Torque constant The ZOH, or zero-order-hold, represents the effect of the sampling process, where the motor command is updated once per sampling period. The effect of the ZOH can be modeled by the transfer function

System Design and Compensation

 The closed-loop control system can be stabilized by a digital filter, which is preprogrammed in the DMC-18x2 controller. The filter parameters can be selected by the user for the best compensation. The following discussion presents an analytical design method.As long as PM is positive, the system is stable. However, for a well damped system, PM should be between 30 degrees and 45 degrees. The phase margin of 70 degrees given above indicated overdamped response. Next, we discuss the design of control systems.


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