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  • HONEYWELL 10205/2/1 Switch input module
HONEYWELL 10205/2/1 Switch input module

HONEYWELL 10205/2/1 Switch input module

HONEYWELL 10205/2/1 Switch input module

Many of the indicators and corresponding questions in this module are based on international standards or current best practices, but some may need to be modified because of national policy, local context, or language. For example, if data is being collected on the cleanliness of a latrine, one of the characteristics of cleanliness may be a clean toilet seat. In much of the world, toilet seats are not used, so this question and its aggregated components would need to be adapted to the context in the country or area of interest. If questions are adapted to fit the context or the program focus, ensure that the tabulation plan reflects the revised questions and terminology

Interviewer Notes

 For this module, questions target any adult member of the household. Certain programs may require further targeting of specific household members. For example, a WASH program that contributes to nutrition improvements in Under 2 (U2) children may require that the mothers or other child caregivers respond to questions. The survey may also need to focus on households that have U2 children at the time of the data collection

Asking Questions and Recording Answers 

It is important that you ask each question exactly as written on the questionnaire. In addition to the questions, there are statements that appear in all capital letters, indicating that they are interviewer instructions; interviewers should not read these statements aloud to the respondent. Most questions in this module have pre-coded responses that should not be read aloud to the respondent. When you ask a question, you should listen to the response and then circle the numeric code next to the category that best matches their answer or write the response above the assigned line, if appropriate. Sometimes it will be appropriate to circle multiple answers; in this case the response codes will be letters. Read the instructions on the questionnaire carefully for each question.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing

Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

This article from the temporal Ming sheng automation equipment co., LTD., reproduced please attach this link: http://www.stockdcs.com/

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