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  • ABB 3BSC980006R213 Input logic module
ABB 3BSC980006R213 Input logic module

ABB 3BSC980006R213 Input logic module

ABB 3BSC980006R213 Input logic module

An excreta collection device consisting of a water-tight settling tank normally located underground, away from the house or toilet. —to pit latrine A system that flushes excreta to a hole in the ground. —to somewhere else A system in which the excreta is deposited in or nearby the household environment in a location other than a sewer, septic tank, or pit (e.g., excreta may be flushed to the street, yard/plot, drainage ditch or other location).

Excreta are deposited without flushing directly into a hole in the ground.

 —ventilated improved pit latrine (VIP) A dry pit latrine ventilated by a pipe extending above the latrine roof. The open end of the vent pipe is covered with gauze mesh or fly-proof netting. If the vent pipe is not covered by a gauze mesh or fly-proof netting, the facility should be classified as a pit latrine with slab not a VIP latrine. The inside of the VIP latrine is kept dark. If the door of the VIP superstructure is missing so that it is no longer dark inside the latrine, the facility should be classified as a pit latrine with slab, not a VIP latrine. —pit latrine with slab A dry pit latrine in which the pit is fully covered by a slab or platform that is fitted either with a squatting hole or seat. The slab or platform should be solid and can be made of any type of material (e.g., concrete, logs with earth or mud, cement). The slab or platform should adequately cover the pit so that pit contents are not exposed other than through the squatting hole or seat. —pit latrine without slab (also known as open pit) A latrine without a squatting slab, platform, or seat. An open pit is a rudimentary hole in the ground where excreta is collected.

Composting toilet

 A dry toilet into which excreta and carbon-rich material are combined (e.g., vegetable wastes, straw, grass, sawdust, ash) and special conditions maintained to produce inoffensive compost. A composting latrine may or may not have a urine separation device. Bucket toilet The use of a bucket or other container for the retention of feces (and sometimes urine and anal cleaning material), which is periodically removed for treatment, disposal, or use as fertilizer. Hanging toilet/hanging Latrine A toilet built over the sea, a river, or other body of water allowing excreta to drop directly into the water


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing

Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

This article from the temporal Ming sheng automation equipment co., LTD., reproduced please attach this link: http://www.stockdcs.com/

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