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  • ABB 70PR03b-E HE662721-318/17 Relay input module
ABB 70PR03b-E HE662721-318/17 Relay input module

ABB 70PR03b-E HE662721-318/17 Relay input module

ABB 70PR03b-E HE662721-318/17 Relay input module

Cross-sectional studies, along with one ongoing randomized controlled trial, point to a strong relationship between the presence of animal feces (particularly that of chickens) and child illness. Observations have concluded that young children often pick up and ingest animal feces and other contaminated items that exist within their environment. 15, 16 While conclusive results are not yet forthcoming, WASH programs are proactively responding to preliminary data pointing to the importance of this issue. An addition to this module would be to observe the courtyard to assess if animal or child feces are visible and if there is evidence of sweeping.

Measuring Behaviors 

Measuring WASH-related behavior is a complex planning and implementation process. While this KPC tool includes proxy indicators for measuring some WASH-related behaviors, various levels of approaches exist for measuring WASH-related behaviors. If your program is interested in measuring WASH-related behaviors in a more detailed fashion than exists in this tool, please refer to the World Bank Water and Sanitation Program’s publication Practical Guidance for Measuring Handwashing Behavior: 2013 Update. 17 Although this document specifically relates to hygiene, the approaches can be applied to other WASH-related behaviors.

Health Facility Assessments

 The KPC tool does not include indicators to assess health facility access to WASH infrastructure, its quality, or WASH-related practices within facilities. Most projects will need to assess the existence, quality, and capacity of WASH infrastructure within a health facility. Projects may also need to measure staff and provider performance (through methods such as record review, observation, and exit interviews) on critical issues related to infection control and prevention (e.g., handwashing, water treatment, disinfection of medical equipment, linens, rooms). National, regional, and facility-specific WASH policies for health facilities should also be reviewed as part of a baseline assessment for health facilities.


Application industry

The products can be used in the following industries: power plant, paper making, steel, mining, rubber, water supply, cement, chemical industry, glass, printing

Textile, machinery, plastics, coatings, medicine, hospitals, food, hotels, scientific research institutions

This article from the temporal Ming sheng automation equipment co., LTD., reproduced please attach this link: http://www.stockdcs.com/

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