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  • GE UR1HH Terminal module
GE UR1HH Terminal module

GE UR1HH Terminal module

  • Product ID: UR1HH
  • Brand: GE
  • Place of origin: The United States
  • Goods status: new/used
  • Delivery date: stock
  • The quality assurance period: 365 days
  • Phone/WhatsApp/WeChat:+86 15270269218
  • Email:xiamen2018@foxmail.com
  • Tags:GEUR1HHTerminalmodule
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GE UR1HH Terminal module

Data Introduction:

GE UR1HHThe information in this document applies to the overall Mark* VIe control system or Mark VIeS Functional Safety System control products; however, your application may not be licensed to access full system capability and I/O packs as described in this document. For example, the Mark VIeS Functional Safety System for General Markets only utilizes the following I/OGE UR1HH packs: • Analog I/O (YAIC) • Universal Analog (YUAA) • Vibration Input Monitor (YVIB) • Relay Output (YDOA) • Discrete Contact Input (YDIA) • Power Distribution System Diagnostics (PPDA) • Serial Modbus Communication (PSCA) • Mark VIeS Safety Controller (UCSCS2x) • Mark VIe Controller for Gateway (UCSCH1x)

GE UR1HH.png

GE UR1HH• Provision shall be made to limit power supply transient voltages to less than 140% of the peak rated power supply voltage. • This equipment shall be used in an environment of not more than Pollution Degree 2 (as defined in EN 60664-1). • For installation in North America, this equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, or Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC, or non-hazardous locations only.GE UR1HH

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