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ABB INNPM22 DC input card

  • Product ID: INNPM22
  • Brand: ABB
  • Place of origin: The Swiss
  • Goods status: new/used
  • Delivery date: stock
  • The quality assurance period: 365 days
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ABB INNPM22 DC input card

This mode is the same as the Torque Mode Analog Command except that the command input comes from the Incremental Position Command inputs on J2-17 through J2-20. The frequency on these input terminals is the variable DigitalCmdFreq and is substituted for the AnalogIn input to the CmdGain scaling. The units on CmdGain become Amp/kHz. Icmd = CmdGain[A/kHz]*Digital Command Frequency Icmd = Icmd*Kteff

Please read this section completely

 before tuning the drive. Refer to Appendix B for additional information. Introduction Tuning parameters are used to optimize system performance. The system is ulimately limited by the machine mechanics and power available from the driving motor. This chapter will review the tuning process. In general, start with the most significant limiting factor and increase the limit as high as possible. The hierarchy of tuning limits follows this sequence: • Position loop bandwidth is limited by velocity loop bandwidth. • Velocity loop bandwidth is limited by current loop bandwidth and mechanical system natural resonant frequency. • Current loop bandwidth is limited by the drive electronics.

Current Loop Settings 

Proportional Gain (KIP) Proportional Current Loop Gain “KIP” is set to provide 1000 Hz current loop bandwidth. The current loop bandwidth is independent of the mechanical system. KIP is preset by 830 Tools to the correct value based on motor model. Default KIP[V/A] = 6.28 * MotorInductance[mH], for 1000 Hz Current BW Adjust Preset by 830 Tools, do not change. For unsupported motor models only, use formula described Limits 1000 Hz to 1500 Hz


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