Home > Product > DCS control system > ABB SACE750090R0002 REF542plus protection device

ABB SACE750090R0002 REF542plus protection device

ABB SACE750090R0002 REF542plus protection device

Where space and accessibility exist, a wire mesh grid may be installed at floor level or overhead to supplement the above cabling network. Equipment enclosures and racks should be bonded to this wire mesh. The mesh should be bonded to structure at each point where structural members are accessible. Both ends of shielded cable shall be terminated to case or enclosure. Continuous peripheral bonding of the shield is best.

The various communication

 Filters and TPDs installed for noise suppression and transient protection must be directly grounded to the enclosures of the protected equipment. TPDs installed in distribution frames and junction boxes must be terminated directly to the ground bus or to the mounting enclosure. The ground bus and the mounting enclosure must be bonded to the fault protection subsystem with minimum length conductors.

The radio subsystem converts audio and baseband

A signal reference subsystem shall be established. This ground reference subsystem will consist of multiple interconnections between equipment cabinets, frames, and racks; between conduit, raceway and wireway; between these communication subsystem members and structure; and shall incorporate raised floors into the reference subsystem.


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