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  • ABB 086345-001 Channel output module
ABB 086345-001 Channel output module

ABB 086345-001 Channel output module

ABB 086345-001 Channel output module

The parameter KVI sets the so called “lag-break” frequency of the velocity loop. KVI is equal to the frequency in Hz where the velocity loop compensation transitions from predominantly integral characteristics to predominantly proportional characteristics. Drive rejection of torque disturbances increase as KVI increases.

If the drive is to be used within a position loop

 (either with BlkType = 2 or when using an external position drive and BlkType = 1), KVI should be equal to or less than 0.1 times the velocity loop bandwidth. If no position loop is used, KVI can be set to 0.25 times the velocity loop bandwidth (or higher if some ringing can be tolerated). In general, the response to a velocity command step (or truncated ramp) will have velocity overshoot for non-zero values of KVI.

B.2 Position Loop 

When BlkType is set equal to 2, a position loop is configured outside the velocity loop. The velocity loop must be set up and evaluated in terms of bandwidth before attempting to setup the position loop. KPP The position loop proportional gain, KPP, determines the settling time of the position loop. KPP is the bandwidth of the position loop, in Hz, assuming an ideal velocity loop. Recommended values for KPP are shown below: fvc (Hz) 25 75 200 KPP (Position Loop Bandwidth (Hz)) 5 15 (default) 50 In general, the higher the value of KPP, the faster the settling time. However, trying to set KPP to a high value with inadequate velocity loop bandwidth results in overshoot and ringing. A good trade off is to set KPP to 0.2 times the velocity loop bandwidth. Slightly higher values can be used if overshoot can be tolerated.


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