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ABB KUC720AE101 3BHB003431R0101 Logic sequence module

ABB KUC720AE101 3BHB003431R0101 Logic sequence module

Some models ado not have CLEAR key on the keyboard; the corresponding function cam be done pressing the keys  e  at the same time. Some models are designed to be attached to an external keyboard of type ET-F or AT-F; the commands describes in this chapter are generally referring to the use of an external keyboard All the UniOP models, have at least 4 arrow keys and the Enter key. Panels with touch screen will show system defined touch keys on the screen whenever it is required

Some of the keys described in this chapter

 may not be available in each UniOP model. The functions associated to them may, however, be implemented using the Keyboard Macro Editor or using an alternative predefined key. Models without numeric keypad and without touch screen allow numeric data entry using arrow keys and/or using the Keyboard Macro Editor. Touch screen panels will show automatically a numeric keypad whenever the data entry phase is activated. Note: the text ‘2 s’ associated to a key means that the key has to be held for two seconds to activate the associated function.

Data Entry Mode 

When in Data Entry Mode the meaning of the keys changes depending on wheter a field has been selected for Data Entry or not. A field is selscted when The Data Entry procedure has been started on that field. If not field has already been selected for Data Entry, the key assignment is shown in the table below.After a field has been selected for Data Entry, the keys are interpreted as follows. increment digit / scroll up ASCII / select message up  increment digit / scroll down ASCII / select message down


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