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BENTLY 136711-01 Temperature module

BENTLY 136711-01 Temperature module

BENTLY 136711-01 is an I/O module that is manufactured in the USA, as mentioned in cxdcs.com. It is used as a part of the brand's PLC, DCS module, robot control system, and servo system, among others. Additionally, it is used as a backup part for machines that have been discontinued. According to xrjplc.com, each channel in the module can execute a particular function, and the primary purpose of the 3500/40m monitoring system is to compare the monitoring parameters continuously and drive alert mechanical protection.BENTLY 136711-01.jpg

BENTLY 136711-01 is an I/O module used as a part of the brand's PLC, DCS module, robot control system, and servo system, among others. It is also used as a backup part for machines that have been discontinued. The module can execute a particular function in each channel, and the 3500/40m monitoring system compares the monitoring parameters continuously and drives alert mechanical protection.

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