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  • GE IS200DAMEG1ABA Output logic module
GE IS200DAMEG1ABA Output logic module

GE IS200DAMEG1ABA Output logic module

GE IS200DAMEG1ABA Output logic module

Connect the motor, feedback, and AC Power cables as shown in the Connection Diagram but do not apply the AC power at this time. It is recommended that Danaher Motion motor and feedback cables be used during setup since improper cabling is the primary cause of start up problems.

Danaher Motion's RS-232 cable 

(part # CS-232-750) connects the 9-pin serial port socket on the OC950 to the PC. If this cable is unavailable, a simple 3-wire cable can be made using the wiring diagram shown on page 15. The last connection needed provides the hardware enable to the SC900 via J4-6 and I/O RTN on J4-5. Preferably, connect a toggle switch between J4-6 and J4-5. If a toggle switch is not available, use a clip lead that connects and disconnects J4-6 to J4-5.


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