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  • GE IS200SRLYH2AAA Transfer switch module
GE IS200SRLYH2AAA Transfer switch module

GE IS200SRLYH2AAA Transfer switch module

GE IS200SRLYH2AAA Transfer switch module

If Option 1A is ordered, the circuitry and input/output connectors are provided for the third and fourth channels associated with the Servo IC on the main Acc-24E2A. The command signals for this option are ±10V. Option 1D: If Option 1D is ordered, the circuitry and input/output connectors are provided for the third and fourth channels associated with the Servo IC on the main Acc-24E2A. The command signals for this option are digital PWM signals for direct PWM commutation. The option 1D description can be found in the Acc-24E2 manual. Option DB: If the option DB is ordered the outputs and inputs to the amplifiers and encoders will be serviced from DB15 connectors. See Acc-24E2A DB15 Connector Option section for pin outs.

If more than four ACC-24E2A’s with Option 

1A are used in a UMAC system, the ACC-E1 or ACC-F1 power supplies will not have enough 15V power. Delta Tau recommends using an external ±15V power supply for systems with more than four ACC-24E2A boards. The external power supply should be connected to the unit from the terminal blocks (TB3 bottom) or DB connections (J1 or J2 Bottom) and jumpers E85, E87, and E88 must also be removed.


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