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  • GE DS200IPCSG2ABB Serial control card
GE DS200IPCSG2ABB Serial control card

GE DS200IPCSG2ABB Serial control card

GE DS200IPCSG2ABB Serial control card

Motor xx Master Position Address Usually, the Ixx03, Ixx04, and Ixx05 variables contain the address of a processed position value in the encoder conversion table, even when the raw data comes from the Acc-24E2. The first line of the encoder conversion table is at address $003501;If the C output register for a given Acc-24E2 and channel is used (primarily for pulse and direction output), simply add 2 to the address shown in the above table. 

Motor xx Power-On Position Address 

Ixx10 tells the Turbo PMAC where to read absolute power-on position, if any. Typically, the only times Ixx10 will contain the address of an Acc-24E2 register is if the position is obtained from an A/D converter on an Acc-28B connected through the Acc-24E2, or if it is obtained from an MLDT (e.g. TemposonicsTM) sensor excited directly from an Acc-24E2.


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