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GE HE693STP110 Channel output card

GE HE693STP110 Channel output card

Temperature effect Ambient temperature in permissible range 

– At zero-point:  1 % of span per 10 °C; for ranges smaller than class 1 to class 2:  2 % of span per 10 °C 

– On sensitivity with temperature compensation:  3 % of measured value per 10 °C 

– On sensitivity with thermostat effect at 55 °C (optional):  1 % of measured value per 10 °C

Warranty: 365 days    Goods status: new/used      Shipping method: Courier delivery

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Air pressure effect 

– At zero-point: No effect 

– On sensitivity with pressure correction by means of integral pressure sensor:  0.2 % of measured value per 1 % air pressure change The pressure sensor is located in the sample gas path if hoses are used as the internal gas lines. If tubing is used for internal gas lines the pressure sensor is routed to the outside via a hose. Pressure sensor working range: pabs = 600 to 1250 hPa Power supply effect 24 VDC  5 %:  0.2 % of span

 This article from the temporal Ming sheng automation equipment co., LTD., reproduced please attach this link: http://www.stockdcs.com/

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