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  • GE 511-0101-08B Pulse input card
GE 511-0101-08B Pulse input card

GE 511-0101-08B Pulse input card

GE 511-0101-08B Pulse input card

Measurement range quantity 1 to 4 ranges per sample component Largest measurement range 0 to 100 vol.% or 0 vol.% to saturation or 0 vol.% to LEL Measurement ranges within ignition limits cannot be provided. Measurement range ratio Measurement ranges freely adjustable within a range ratio of 1:20 relative to the factory-set reference measurement range. Measurement ranges with suppressed zero-point Electronic zero-point suppression, max. suppression ratio of 1:10

Warranty: 365 days    Goods status: new/used      Shipping method: Courier delivery

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The following data apply only 

if all influence factors (e.g. flow rate, temperature, atmospheric pressure) are constant. They apply to measurement range 1 in a delivered analyzer module. Linearity deviation  1 % of span Option: Linearization acc. to EPA specifications for automotive exhaust gas measurement Repeatability  0.5 % of span Zero drift  2 % of span per week; for ranges smaller than class 1 to class 2:  1.5 % of span per day (Recommendation: daily automatic zero-point calibration)

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