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  • GE DS200CPCAG1ABB Power card
GE DS200CPCAG1ABB Power card

GE DS200CPCAG1ABB Power card

GE DS200CPCAG1ABB Power card

Measurement principle and application Limas21 HW is a multi-component analyzer for simultaneous measurement of nitrogen compounds in wet sulfur-free flue gas without converter. Measurement principle Photometer to measure NO, NO2 and NH3. The UV-RAS method (ultra-violet resonant absorption spectroscopy) is used to make the analyzer selective to the sample component NO. Wavelength comparison in ultraviolet spectrum range  = 200 to 600 nm.

Warranty: 365 days    Goods status: new/used      Shipping method: Courier delivery

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Exhaust gas measurement 

for the development of combustion engines and methods for exhaust gas after-treatment, in particular for pure gas measurement after catalyst in – Four-stroke gasoline and diesel engines, – Catalysts for nitrogen oxide reduction. Process measurement e.g. for monitoring, controlling and optimizing DeNOx SCR processes. Sample components and measurement ranges (recommendations), stability data Exhaust gas measurement for four-stroke gasoline and diesel engines

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