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  • MECS UTX-1000A Digital I/O card
MECS UTX-1000A Digital I/O card

MECS UTX-1000A Digital I/O card

MECS UTX-1000A Digital I/O card

In the network-based control system transformation of the rubber production line, we selected MECS UTX-1000A as the main framework of the underlying control network. At the same time, according to the comprehensive consideration of the communication data volume, cost and other aspects, some equipment adopted the RS-485 serial communication mode.

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Warranty: 365 days    Goods status: new/used      Shipping method: Courier delivery

MECS UTX-1000A signals to be processed mainly include: digital input signals (such as equipment status signals, manual control signals, etc.), digital output signals (such as switch control signals of equipment operation, etc.), analog input signals (such as internal mixer rubber temperature, system hydraulic pressure, top bolt pressure, powder weight, oil weight, rubber weight, motor speed, main motor power, etc.) Analog output signals (such as top bolt pressure, motor speed, etc.).

 This article from the temporal Ming sheng automation equipment co., LTD., reproduced please attach this link: http://www.stockdcs.com/

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