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YOKOGAWA NFAI841-S00 terminal module

YOKOGAWA NFAI841-S00 terminal module

Ne pas utiliser les bornes d’YOKOGAWA NFAI841-S00essai du block d’alimentation et des cartes de commande a moins de se trouver dans un emplacement non dangereux. 505E SOFTWARE CHANGES COVERED IN THIS MANUAL REVISION 1. PROGRAM MODE: Made all start modes default to false to ensure a customer programmed the unit. Also added an error check to ensure Rated Speed (when programmed as a gen set) was less than max gov. YOKOGAWA NFAI841-S002. SERVICE MODE: Changed the hold changes for Min Load to come from the Breaker Logic header's Hold Changes input. Previously the hold changes command was selected under the Speed Control Settings header. 3. SPEED SETPOINT RATES: Changed the minimum adjustment range for all speed setpoint rates to 0.01 (was 0.1).YOKOGAWA NFAI841-S00

NFAI841-S00的端子 (3).jpg

4. AUX LIMITER or CONTROLLER: Added logic to ensureYOKOGAWA NFAI841-S00 the inhibited status of Aux control when the input is failed. In addition, changed Aux re-enable logic such that when a failed aux input is restored there is no glitch to the speed LSS. Also changed breaker YOKOGAWA NFAI841-S00open logic to correct a Gen Opening Aux actuator output glitch. 5. AUX CONTROLLER: Changed the speed setpoint aux biasing logic to only allow the speed control limiting action (while in aux control) to be active when the speed setpoint reaches max gov. Prior to this fix the speed limiter could come into control during an extreme transient. 6. AUX DIRECT ENTERED SETPT: Changed Aux Entered setpoint to be reset/ stopped on a shutdown pulse rather than held disabled on a shutdown condition. This change allows the Aux Limiter function direct setpoint entry even when the unit is tripped.YOKOGAWA NFAI841-S00

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